Important Booking information
Fresh Home Made Produce!
Our reception office is the first place you will see on arrival. This is where you will check-in for your stay and meet our friendly staff.
It is also a small shop that offers a variety of supplies that you may need on your weekend away, including firewood, ice, cold drinks, fresh farm produce, handmade crafts and homemade jams, sauces & chutneys.
Kayak hire is also available. Our office hours are 12pm-7pm, seven days a week.

EFT Available

Phone Bookings
Available Products
All made on site at cordola using produce from the property.
All made on site at cordola using produce from the property.
All made on site at cordola using produce from the property.
Handmade by locals in the area.
All fresh produce comes directly from the farm .
Sourced from bees used to pollinate the orchard.
Available from check in office.
20kg split/mixed wood.
Cold Drinks
Available from check in office.
Stubby Holders
Cordola Printed
Gernal Supplies
Basic camping supplies to get you out of trouble.
Kayak & Canoe
Available for hire (see price list)