Contact Info
Thank you for considering staying with us at Cordola. If you have any enquiries or would like to make a booking, please contact us by one of the below methods.
Booking & Contact Form
Please provide all information below, including; Names of all drivers and the preference of a riverside site number. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible during office hours (12-7pm) but may take a little longer outside of these times. When booking for a group, the person making the booking is deemed responsible for that group.
Travel to & Finding Us
We are situated in the Riverland of South Australian, between Morgan (12km) and Blanchetown (30km). We are conveniently only 170km (2 hours) from the Adelaide CBD, 125km (1hr 20 mins) from Renmark, 140km (1hr 40 mins) from the Clare Valley 85 km (45 mins) from Burra. Our location is 42 Hausler Road, Morgan, 5320.
Using your GPS or map device, this will bring you directly to the front gate and office of the campground. Wherever you live, we are not too far away, and within perfect travel time for a weekend getaway. Not too far for the kids to have to sit in the car but far away enough from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life.